August 08, 2012  •  Leave a Comment
Well, I made it through the first 2 months of my precious twerp faces life and my older boys are still alive! Serious accomplishment!!! I know I haven't gotten around to sharing my own birth story yet and am totally blogging backwards so you have no idea the awesome background of this onesie he is wearing. So here goes, of course I saw this idea on non-other than Pinterest and fell in love with it. I put my own spin on it to make it my own because I wasn’t really interested in just framing it, I wanted him to wear it home from the hospital, sent out into this world literally covered in blessings, prayers, verses and well wishes from those that loved him even before he was here. If I ever get around to blogging my delivery story I will post pics of the entire front and back (every single one of the messages are absolutely precious). But for now here are some of my favorite quotes written for Gage by my lady friends. It was a game we played at my shower called “Wishes for Baby”. Everyone filled out all of them and I picked my fav and wrote them below.
Dear Gage,

I hope that you… have faith like your mom. (Heather)
I hope you love… deeply (Aunt Barbara), Unconditionally and Passionately (Aunt Deanna), and God (Tina)
I hope you get… your mom’s patience and drive (Gianna), your dad’s loyalty (Molly), and excited about the little things (Kristen)
I hope you laugh… till you cry (Amy)
I hope you aren’t… afraid to try challenges ( Kathryn) to take chances and or to fall in love (Molly)
I hope you become…a man with integrity (Tina) and a man after God’s own heart (Crissy)
I hope you listen… for God whispers (Heather), to the Father above (Nana), and to Rock music (Gianna)
I hope you grow… deep in the Word (Nana), strong in faith and gentle in spirit (Crissy) and into a strong man of God (Kathryn)
I hope you see… the world the same way when you are old as you do as a child (Aunt Deanna)
I hope you believe… you are loved (Molly) and with all you heart, mind, and soul (Mommy)
The woman that already treasure you!


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